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Главная » Статьи » Темы по английскому » Страны, города

The Earth is in Danger

April 22 is Earth day. People all over the world think about our planet. They think about air, water, plants and animals on the Earth. They say that our planet is in danger. Many people don’t know how to protect animals and plant world, how to keep the water clean and the air fresh. But they are ready to do it. They try do it.

Water is very important for life on the Earth. It is in oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. In many rivers and lakes water is very dirty. In many places water is not drinkable. It is dangerous to use it when you cook. Even fish die in such water.

The way people live has changed the climate on our planet. Nowadays the temperature is rising. If the temperature grows by 3-4 degrees every year it will be impossible to live on the our planet.

Some people’s activities do a lot of harm to the forests. People cut down trees to build farms, homes and other buildings. Many animals and plants lose their homes. This is bad for the Earth’s air too. Modern plants and factories send a lot of smoke into the air. This is also very bad, because nowadays it’s difficult to breathe in big cities.

So the problems now is to protect life on the Earth and to save our planet for people.

Категория: Страны, города | Добавил: PANtEk_X3 (02 Апреля 2008) | Автор: Рябый Антон
Просмотров: 5880 | Комментарии: 3 | Рейтинг: 3.9/11 |
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