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Главная » Статьи » Темы по английскому » Страны, города

The British Ways of Life

In England many thing s are the other way round. On the continents people seldom speak about weather. If they do, it usually means they have no other topics to discuss. In England, if you don’t repeat the phrase: "It's a nice day today, isn't it?" two hundred time a day, people are surprised and think that you are very dull. On the continents Sunday papers appear on Monday; in England they appear on Sunday. On the continents some people like cats, other don’t, but in England cats are very special animals. Everyone loves them and takes care of them.

On the continents people are proud of the things they know. They try to show off their knowledge and often quote Greek and Latin writes. In England only those who don’t know them or who haven’t read them, do it.

You can offend people on the continents in many ways, for example, if you laugh at them or make jokes about their life and job.

But the English take every thing with a sense of humor. You can easily offend them only if you tell them that they have no sense of humor.

People on the continents either tell you the truth or lie, in England they hardly ever lie, but they don’t tell you the truth either.

On Sundays on the continents even the poorest person puts on his best suit and tries to look nice and respectable. In England even the richest man dresses in some old clothes and doesn’t shave.

Many continentals think that life is a game, the English thin that cricket is a game. On the continents people have good food, but in England people have good table manners:

  • You should sit up straight;
  • You shouldn’t eat with your fingers;
  • You shouldn’t put your elbows on the table;
  • You should put your dirty knife, spoon and fork on your plate;
  • You shouldn’t talk with your full mouth;
  • You shouldn’t lick your fingers;
  • You should say: "Thank You" after meal.
Категория: Страны, города | Добавил: PANtEk_X3 (02 Апреля 2008) | Автор: Рябый Антон
Просмотров: 6215 | Комментарии: 5 | Рейтинг: 4.7/3 |
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